Workers’ Compensation Law Firm in Lancaster PA

We serve injured workers in Central PA and beyond

What Should I Do If I Am Injured At Work?

Immediately after a workplace injury, your mind will run through many thoughts. Do I need to go to the hospital? Will I need a lawyer? What should I do next?

Our team of attorneys can help you understand what to do after a workplace injury. At Stark Law Group, LLC, thousands of clients have turned to us for guidance after serious accidents. Having practiced workers’ compensation law for years, we can take you step by step through everything you should do after a workplace accident to recover full compensation.

The Steps You Should Take

No matter which industry you work in or what type of injury you experience, these are the basic steps that you should follow:

  1. Report to your supervisor

The sooner you tell your supervisor about your injury, the better. Pennsylvania grants you up to 120 days to report an accident, but you should try to report it as soon as possible.

  1. Seek medical attention

It is always smart to see a doctor or go to the emergency room, if necessary. You must go to one of your employer’s approved doctors; if you do not, you may lose the right to some benefits. Having a doctor’s documentation of your injuries will prove crucial for a workers’ compensation claim.

  1. Make sure your employer files a report form

Your employer will need to file a form called the First Report of Occupational Injury form with the local Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. If your employer’s insurer rejects your claim or does not offer the settlement you need, you will have to file your own claim.

At every step, we can ensure that you complete the details of the workers’ comp process correctly. If you receive a denial of compensation, we can begin the appeals process.

Get Our Help For The Workers’ Comp Process

It is never too soon to get in touch with an attorney after a workplace accident. When you contact us, we will immediately evaluate your situation and determine what you should do next. To reach us in Lancaster, please send us an email, call us at 717-844-6350.